Compuesto de PVC transparente
Rigid PVC compound
Flexible PVC compound
Discover the Strength of Green PVC’s Rigid PVC Compounds
Engineered for Durability, Designed for Performance

Explore the robust world of Rigid PVC Compounds from Green PVC. Known for their strength, durability, and versatility, our Rigid PVC solutions are tailored to meet the demanding needs of modern industries. Whether you are in construction, automotive, or any sector requiring sturdy materials, our Rigid PVC compounds deliver superior performance.


Unmatched Durability

At Green PVC, we understand that the success of your projects hinges on the reliability and longevity of the materials you use. Our Rigid PVC compounds are meticulously formulated to withstand the toughest conditions, ensuring that your products perform exceptionally over time, regardless of their challenges.

Resistencia al impacto y al desgaste

Our Rigid PVC compounds are engineered to endure. They maintain integrity under physical stress and are designed to resist significant impact, making them ideal for high-traffic or mechanically demanding applications. This robustness translates to fewer replacements, lower maintenance costs, and a more reliable product for your customers.

Environmental Resistance

Exposure to harsh environmental conditions can degrade many materials, but our Rigid PVC compounds are built to last. They resist:


Las fórmulas estabilizadas frente a los rayos UV evitan la degradación por la exposición al sol.


Our PVC’s excellent chemical resistance ensures that it does not corrode, making it suitable for industrial applications involving oils, salts, acids, and alkalis.

Temperature Fluctuations

Capable of withstanding extreme temperatures, our compounds remain stable whether it’s scorching hot or freezing cold.


Unmatched Durability

At Green PVC, we understand that the success of your projects hinges on the reliability and longevity of the materials you use. Our Rigid PVC compounds are meticulously formulated to withstand the toughest conditions, ensuring that your products perform exceptionally over time, regardless of their challenges.

Resistencia al impacto y al desgaste

Our Rigid PVC compounds are engineered to endure. They maintain integrity under physical stress and are designed to resist significant impact, making them ideal for high-traffic or mechanically demanding applications. This robustness translates to fewer replacements, lower maintenance costs, and a more reliable product for your customers.

Environmental Resistance

Exposure to harsh environmental conditions can degrade many materials, but our Rigid PVC compounds are built to last. They resist:


Las fórmulas estabilizadas frente a los rayos UV evitan la degradación por la exposición al sol.


Our PVC’s excellent chemical resistance ensures that it does not corrode, making it suitable for industrial applications involving oils, salts, acids, and alkalis.

Temperature Fluctuations

Capable of withstanding extreme temperatures, our compounds remain stable whether it’s scorching hot or freezing cold.


Explore the Versatile Applications of Our Rigid PVC Compounds 

At Green PVC, our Rigid PVC compounds are not only tough but also adaptable to a multitude of uses. These compounds are designed to endure and excel and provide the strength and durability needed for demanding applications across various industries. Discover the perfect uses for our high-quality Rigid PVC:

Accesorios de UPVC y moldeo por inyección

Precisión y resistencia: Nuestros compuestos son ideales para producir una gama de accesorios de UPVC y componentes intrincados mediante moldeo por inyección. Garantizan la estabilidad dimensional y la resistencia a la distorsión a las temperaturas de procesamiento habituales, por lo que son adecuados para formas complejas y requisitos de alta precisión.


Conformado versátil: Ya sea para la construcción, el mobiliario o aplicaciones industriales, nuestros compuestos de PVC rígido son perfectos para la extrusión de perfiles que requieren propiedades estructurales rígidas combinadas con una excelente resistencia a la intemperie.

Perfiles de ventana

Architectural Durability: Window frames, doors, and roofing materials from our Rigid PVC compounds offer superior durability and resistance to weather elements. These applications benefit from PVC’s ability to withstand UV rays, moisture, and temperature variations, ensuring longevity and reduced maintenance.

Envases y contenedores

Reliable Containment: Our Rigid PVC is extensively used in the packaging industry to create robust containers that protect their contents from physical and environmental damage. These materials are favored for their clarity, strength, and barrier properties, essential for industrial and consumer packaging.

Fontanería y tuberías

Long-lasting Infrastructure: Pipes and fittings made from our Rigid PVC are known for their long lifespan and resistance to environmental stressors such as water corrosion, chemical exposure, and ground shifts. This makes them a reliable choice for both residential and industrial plumbing systems.


Sustained Aesthetics and Functionality: Our rigid PVC compounds are used for outdoor fixtures like fencing, decking, and rails, which require not just an attractive appearance but also the ability to withstand the rigors of outdoor environments. Our compounds maintain color and structural integrity, resisting common outdoor challenges like weathering and UV damage.


Explore the Versatile Applications of Our Rigid PVC Compounds 

At Green PVC, our Rigid PVC compounds are not only tough but also adaptable to a multitude of uses. These compounds are designed to endure and excel and provide the strength and durability needed for demanding applications across various industries. Discover the perfect uses for our high-quality Rigid PVC:

Accesorios de UPVC y moldeo por inyección

Precisión y resistencia: Nuestros compuestos son ideales para producir una gama de accesorios de UPVC y componentes intrincados mediante moldeo por inyección. Garantizan la estabilidad dimensional y la resistencia a la distorsión a las temperaturas de procesamiento habituales, por lo que son adecuados para formas complejas y requisitos de alta precisión.


Conformado versátil: Ya sea para la construcción, el mobiliario o aplicaciones industriales, nuestros compuestos de PVC rígido son perfectos para la extrusión de perfiles que requieren propiedades estructurales rígidas combinadas con una excelente resistencia a la intemperie.

Perfiles de ventana

Architectural Durability: Window frames, doors, and roofing materials from our Rigid PVC compounds offer superior durability and resistance to weather elements. These applications benefit from PVC’s ability to withstand UV rays, moisture, and temperature variations, ensuring longevity and reduced maintenance.

Envases y contenedores

Reliable Containment: Our Rigid PVC is extensively used in the packaging industry to create robust containers that protect their contents from physical and environmental damage. These materials are favored for their clarity, strength, and barrier properties, essential for industrial and consumer packaging.

Fontanería y tuberías

Long-lasting Infrastructure: Pipes and fittings made from our Rigid PVC are known for their long lifespan and resistance to environmental stressors such as water corrosion, chemical exposure, and ground shifts. This makes them a reliable choice for both residential and industrial plumbing systems.


Sustained Aesthetics and Functionality: Our rigid PVC compounds are used for outdoor fixtures like fencing, decking, and rails, which require not just an attractive appearance but also the ability to withstand the rigors of outdoor environments. Our compounds maintain color and structural integrity, resisting common outdoor challenges like weathering and UV damage.



Partner with Green PVC for Cutting-Edge Flexible PVC Solutions

When selecting materials for your critical projects, you need a trustworthy partner. Green PVC’s Rigid PVC compounds are engineered for the highest durability and superior performance, ensuring that your applications meet and exceed industry standards.

¿Por qué elegir el PVC ecológico?

Soluciones a medida: Nuestros compuestos de PVC rígido se personalizan para satisfacer las demandas exclusivas de su proyecto, garantizando un rendimiento óptimo en cualquier aplicación.

Durabilidad probada: Diseñados para soportar entornos duros y un uso intensivo, nuestros compuestos de PVC garantizan longevidad y fiabilidad.

Apoyo de expertos: Nuestros especialistas están comprometidos con su éxito, ofreciéndole asesoramiento experto y apoyo desde el concepto inicial hasta la implantación final.

Mejore su próximo proyecto con PVC ecológico

Descubra cómo Green PVC puede mejorar sus proyectos con compuestos de PVC duraderos y de alta calidad adaptados a sus especificaciones. Tanto si está construyendo perfiles de ventanas, sistemas de fontanería o cualquier otra aplicación en la que la resistencia y la longevidad sean cruciales, nuestros compuestos ofrecen la garantía de rendimiento que necesita.


Partner with Green PVC for Cutting-Edge Flexible PVC Solutions

When selecting materials for your critical projects, you need a trustworthy partner. Green PVC’s Rigid PVC compounds are engineered for the highest durability and superior performance, ensuring that your applications meet and exceed industry standards.

¿Por qué elegir el PVC ecológico?

Soluciones a medida: Nuestros compuestos de PVC rígido se personalizan para satisfacer las demandas exclusivas de su proyecto, garantizando un rendimiento óptimo en cualquier aplicación.

Durabilidad probada: Diseñados para soportar entornos duros y un uso intensivo, nuestros compuestos de PVC garantizan longevidad y fiabilidad.

Apoyo de expertos: Nuestros especialistas están comprometidos con su éxito, ofreciéndole asesoramiento experto y apoyo desde el concepto inicial hasta la implantación final.

Mejore su próximo proyecto con PVC ecológico

Descubra cómo Green PVC puede mejorar sus proyectos con compuestos de PVC duraderos y de alta calidad adaptados a sus especificaciones. Tanto si está construyendo perfiles de ventanas, sistemas de fontanería o cualquier otra aplicación en la que la resistencia y la longevidad sean cruciales, nuestros compuestos ofrecen la garantía de rendimiento que necesita.



Mangueras y tubos


Mangueras y tubos


Mangueras y tubos


Mangueras y tubos
